
发布日期:2024-07-15 05:23    点击次数:51




今天际刊精讲直播的著述来自《经济学东说念主》的——Should you buy expensive stocks? A new paper suggests the answer is “yes”

“要是你在10年前买了一万块股票,今天你有263万了”自本年 5 月发布第一季度财报以来,英伟达股价已高涨非凡 24%,自旧年以来股价一齐走高。据推测,该公司在数据中心东说念主工智能芯片领域占据了 80% 的阛阓份额,迷惑了大型云经营厂商数十亿好意思元的开销。在放胆4月28日的三个月里,英伟达销售额达到260亿好意思元,是2023年同时的三倍多,比前三个月增长了18%。




学有所得 2024年向上✌

On June 7th each share in Nvidia is due to become many. In one sense such stock splits ought not to matter much: they merely lower the share price, usually returning it to somewhere near $100, in order to make small trades easier. Yet for the company and its longtime backers this administrative exercise is cause to pop the champagne. For a split to be necessary in the first place, the share price must have multiplied, commonly by two or three, prompting each share to be divided by the same factor. Each Nvidia share, however, will become ten. Two years ago both Alphabet and Amazon split each of their shares into 20. Investors in big tech have had plenty of opportunities to let the corks fly.


要点词汇:backer n./ˈbækər/

A backer is someone who helps or supports a project, organization, or person, often by giving or lending money. 提拔东说念主

例句:I was looking for a backer to assist me in the attempted buyout.


All three firms have made traditional valuation measures look hopelessly outdated. Dividend yields, for instance, were once a popular tool for assessing prospective returns. But Amazon has never made such a payout and Alphabet will make its first ever on June 17th (of 20 cents per $175 share). Nvidia’s quarterly dividend after the split will be just one cent per share, each priced at around $120. Plainly, there is no stretch of the imagination by which these payouts explain the stocks’ spectacular returns.

✅翻译:这三家公司齐让传统的估值见识显得落伍。举例,股息收益率也曾是评估预期酬谢的流行器具。但亚马逊从未进行过高分成,而 Alphabet 将于 6 月 17 日初度派息(每股 175 好意思元,仅派息 20 好意思分)。拆分后,Nvidia 的季度股息仅为每股 1 好意思分,每股价钱约为 116 好意思元。昭着,分成无法阐述此类股票的惊东说念主酬谢水平。

要点词汇:outdated adj. /ˌaʊtˈdeɪtɪd/

no longer useful because of being old-fashioned落伍的;蜕化的

• outdated equipment落伍的配置

例句:The se figures are now outdated.


要点词汇:yield n. /jiːld/

the total amount of crops, profits, etc. that are produced产量;产出;利润

• a high crop yield作物丰充

例句:This will give a yield of 10% on your investment.


The stage is, therefore, set for the revival of a fierce argument. Low yields might mean that dividends will rise, or that future returns will be poor. Reams of academic research suggest that, historically and for the stockmarket as a whole, they have portended poor returns. Even so, a school of thought has stubbornly held that investors know what they are doing, and if they are buying stocks that yield little, they must expect payouts to grow. Of late, hewing to this school and buying the likes of Alphabet, Amazon and Nvidia would have made you a lot richer than fretting about valuations. So could it be correct after all?

✅翻译:因此,一场热烈的争论又将重燃。低股息收益率既可能意味着股息将高涨,也可能意味着夙昔收益欠安。无数的学术斟酌标明,从历史上和统共这个词股市来看,低股息收益率预示着灾祸的酬谢。即便如斯,有一个想想派系仍然坚握以为投资者知说念我方在作念什么,要是他们购买的股票刻下的分成率很低,他们就必须预期分成会增长。最近,要是你坚握这一不雅点,并购买 Alphabet、亚马逊和 Nvidia 等公司的股票,你就会比那些追悼估值偏高的投资者富足得多。那么,这种不雅点究竟是不是对的?

要点词汇:portend v./pɔːrˈtɛnd/

If something portends an event or occurrence, it indicates that it is likely to happen in the future. 预示; 预兆; 预告

例句:The change did not portend a basic improvement in social conditions.


要点词汇:stubborn adj. /ˈstʌbərn/

1.determined not to change your opinion or attitude古板的;执拗的;遒劲的;倔强的

例句:He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.


2. difficult to get rid of or deal with难以去除(或拼凑)的、

• a stubborn cough/stain 久治不愈的咳嗽;顽渍

• a stubborn problem贫苦


